
Welcome to the webpage of the Workshop on Reverse Mathematics and its Philosophy. The goal of the workshop was to bring together researchers of various backgrounds (mathematics, philosophy, computer science, ...) working on, or interested in, the topic of reverse mathematics.

The workshop took place in Paris, France, on June 13-17, 2022, at the University of Chicago Center in Paris, and will be held in a hybrid format. It was sponsored by a University of Chicago International Institute of Research in Paris Faculty Grant, and by the Focused Research Grant Collaborative Research: Computability Theoretic Aspects of Combinatorics from the National Science Foundation of the United States.


Videos of the talks at the workshop can be found on the Computability Theory and Applications Seminar YouTube channel.

Slides made available by speakers can be found here.



paris rive gauche


  • Andrew Arana
  • Laurent Bienvenu
  • Adrien Champougny
  • Denis Hirschfeldt
  • Benoit Monin
  • Ludovic Patey
  • Sarah Reitzes
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